Blog Day 1

I got a late start due to a busy weekend but put in about 7 hours.  I'm about equal to the furthest I've made it on any prototypes in the past.  I thought it would be fun to stream it so I could have a record of doing the project.  

Setup wasn't too bad though I got hung up on xsplit and webpack a bit.  I also realized how rusty I am in javascript.  I had to look up so many embarrassing things, and of course promises and ES 2016 modules were way outside my memory.  Towards the end I started doing some DOM manipulation since I plan to put my GUI in html.  Even that I couldn't remember, and now I wonder if I should put in framework to make it simpler.  We'll see.  

I'm happy with the progress so far and was able to get into a good flow.   Excited for tomorrow!

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Mar 04, 2019

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